Marc Minkowski – Bach: St John Passion (2017) [HDTracks FLAC 24bit/96kHz]

Marc Minkowski – Bach: St John Passion (2017)
FLAC (tracks) 24-bit/96 kHz | Time – 1:50:37 minutes | 1,85 GB | Genre: Classical
Studio Master, Official Digital Download – Source: HDTracks | Digital Booklet |  © Erato/Warner Classics

The foundations of Marc Minkowski’s career lie in Baroque music, and he has enjoyed a long relationship with Warner Classics, but this Johannes-Passion (St John Passion) is his first Bach for the label. The work’s terse drama – here presented through just nine singers – is ideally suited to both his scrupulous musicianship and his keen sense of theatre. The French conductor describes Bach’s great masterpieces as “a journey you have to prepare for meticulously, over a long period of time … You come back from it like an explorer comes back from Everest or the Moon – transformed.”

01. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 1 “Herr, unser Herrscher” (Chorus)
02. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 2 “Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern… Jesus antwortete” (Evangelist, Jesus, Chorus)
03. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 3 “O grosse Lieb” (Chorus)
04. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 4 “Auf dass das Wort erfüllet würde” (Evangelist, Jesus)
05. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 5 “Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich” (Chorus)
06. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 6 “Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann” (Evangelist)
07. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 7 “Von den Stricken meiner Sünden” (Alto)
08. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 8 “Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach” (Evangelist)
09. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 9 “Ich folge dir gleichfalls” (Soprano)
10. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 10 “Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt” (Evangelist, Ancilla, Petrus, Jesus, Servus)
11. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 11 “Wer hat dich so geschlagen” (Chorus)
12. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 12 “Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden…. Er leugnete aber und sprach” (Evangelist, Petrus, Servus, Chorus)
13. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 13 “Ach, mein Sinn” (Tenor)
14. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 14 “Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück” (Chorus)
15. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 11 bis “Himmel reisse, Welt erbebe” (Bass, Chorus)
16. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 1: No. 13 bis: “Zerschmettert mich, ihr Felsen und ihr Hügel” (Tenor)
17. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 15 “Christus, der uns selig macht” (Chorus)
18. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 16 “Da führeten sie Jesum… Auf dass erfüllet würde das Wort” (Evangelist, Pilatus, Jesus, Chorus)
19. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 17 “Ach grosser König” (Chorus)
20. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 18 “Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm…. Barrabas aber war ein Mörder” (Evangelist, Pilatus, Jesus, Chorus)
21. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 19 “Betrachte, meine Seel” (Bass)
22. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 20 “Erwäge, wie sein blutgefärbter Rücken” (Tenor)
23. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 21 “Und die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone… Da Pilatus das Wort hörete” (Evangelist, Pilatus, Jesus, Chorus)
24. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 22 “Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn” (Chorus)
25. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 23 “Die Jüden aber schrieen und sprachen… Da überantwortete er ihn” (Evangelist, Pilatus, Chorus)
26. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 24 “Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen” (Bass)
27. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 25 “Allda kreuzigten sie ihn… Pilatus antwortet” (Evangelist, Pilatus, Chorus)
28. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 26 “In meines Herzens Grunde” (Chorus)
29. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 27 “Die Kriegsknechte aber… Auf dass erfüllet würde die Schrift” (Evangelist, Jesus, Chorus)
30. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 28 “Er nahm alles wohl in Acht” (Chorus)
31. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 29 “Und von Stund an nahm sie der Jünger zu sich” (Evangelist, Jesus)
32. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 30 “Es ist vollbracht” (Alto)
33. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 31 “Und neiget das Haupt” (Evangelist)
34. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 32 “Mein teurer Heiland, lass dich fragen” (Bass, Chorus)
35. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 33 “Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriss” (Evangelist)
36. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 34 “Mein Herz, in dem die ganze Welt” (Tenor)
37. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 35 “Zerfliesse, mein Herze” (Soprano)
38. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 36 “Die Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag war” (Evangelist)
39. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 37 “O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn” (Chorus)
40. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 38 “Darnach bat Pilatum Joseph von Arimathia” (Evangelist)
41. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 39 “Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine” (Chorus)
42. St John Passion, BWV 245, Part 2: No. 40 “Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein” (Chorus)

Lothar Odinius tenor (Evangelista, No.13),
Christian Immler bass (Jesus, Nos 11b, 32),
Ditte Andersen soprano (Ancilla, No.9),
Lenneke Ruiten soprano (No.35),
Delphine Galou alto (No.30),
David Hansen alto (No.7),
Colin Balzer tenor (Servus, Nos 20, 24, 34),
Valerio Contaldo tenor (No.13b),
Felix Speer bass (Petrus, Pilatus, No.19)



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